Church planting

India Pentecostal Mission(IPM) Churches are part of the Trinity Ministries and Educational Trust. We have already planted several  churches within the unreached areas of India among the Tribals.

Ministry among Tribals    
Western Missionaries and their Pioneer national missionaries in the past did not show much interest in the evangelization of the Tribals, who are also known as Untouchables. But the Lord gave us a Vision for training their own people to reach their own.

Since India has 18 major languages and over 1600 dialects, training nationals in different language setting is so vital for the evangelization of the unreached. There is a great need of trained national missionaries and Pastors in this day & time.

Construction of Worship Halls

There is a great demand for a  new worship Halls among our poor believers as our house church reach their full capacity. The cost of construction of a worship hall is about $ 5000- each and the size of the building is usually about 15’ x 25’

Missionary Support

As the Lord enables us, we provide monthly financial support to our National Missionaries. Since most of our believers and their income are below poverty line, they are unable to fully support their own missionary pastor. For the last 20 years we have extended missionary support to many missionaries.

International Crusades

As the Lord sends Dr. Jacob to the different countries for Evangelistic meetings, he goes there to fulfill their great commission of our Lord Jesus. Truly the Lord has entrusted Dr. Jacob with an Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry.

National Missionary Conference

Since Rev. Jacob is a first generation Pentecostal; he conducts Missionary Conference every year for the benefit of the second and third generation Pentecostal Ministries.
Every minister that attend our 3 day conference, will experience a great out pouring of the Holy Sprit, and these Missionaries go back to their respective churches and out stations with a fresh anointing!
The registration, room and board are free for all.

Ministry to the poor Widows

Many poor widows became recipients of our new sewing machines we bought for free distribution









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